package scala

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractEntity extends Dynamic

    This class implements methods that are common to both EntityCursor and EntityInstance.

    This class implements methods that are common to both EntityCursor and EntityInstance. This is where the dynamic methods are implemented for finding cursor/entity and attribute instances.

  2. class AssertView extends AnyRef

    Convenience class for asserting various things about a View.

  3. class AttributeInstance extends AnyRef

    Object that represents an attribute value in an entity instance.

  4. class AttributeIterator extends Iterable[AttributeInstance]

  5. class AttributeOrderByBuilder extends Dynamic

    Builder for setting ORDER BY attribute.

  6. class AttributeQualBuilder extends Dynamic

    Builder for setting attribute values for an entity.

  7. class AttributeQualOperators extends AnyRef

    Used to qualify on an attribute using an operator like '<>' or 'in'.

  8. trait CursorHelpers extends AnyRef
  9. case class CursorResult(jcursorResult: zeidon.CursorResult) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class DynamicTaskActivator(task: zeidon.Task, lodName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  11. class EntityCursor extends AbstractEntity with Iterable[EntityInstance]

    Scala wrapper around a Zeiden EntityCursor.

  12. class EntityInstance extends AbstractEntity

    An instance of an Entity in an OI.

  13. class EntityInstanceIterator extends Iterable[EntityInstance]

    Scala iterator wrapper around Java entity iterator.

  14. class EntityQualBuilder extends Dynamic
  15. class EntitySelector extends Dynamic

  16. class Nexts extends AnyRef

    This class is the equivalent of Scala's Breaks class.

    This class is the equivalent of Scala's Breaks class. It is used to give Zeidon loop constructs the ability to execute "next()" to move to the next entity in a cursor loop. This is largely cribbed from Breaks.scala.

  17. case class ObjectOperationResult(value: AnyRef) extends Product with Serializable

    A wrapper class around the AnyRef returned by an Zeidon Object Operation.

    A wrapper class around the AnyRef returned by an Zeidon Object Operation. This will automatically convert the value to standard Scala types.

  18. trait ObjectOperations extends ZeidonOperations

    A trait to give Scala objects access to VML-like syntax.

    A trait to give Scala objects access to VML-like syntax. This is similar to ZeidonOperations except it requires a View be supplied instead of a task. It is intended to be use by classes that define Object Operations that will be executed dynamically.

  19. class OrderByTerminator extends AnyRef

    A class to indicate that qualification has been correctly specified.

  20. class QualBuilder extends AnyRef

    Used to build qualification for Scala code and then activate the OI.

    Used to build qualification for Scala code and then activate the OI. A typical use case:

    val mUser = VIEW basedOn "mUser"
    mUser.buildQual( _.User.ID = 490 )
                .or( _.User.ID = 491 )
  21. class QualificationTerminator extends AnyRef

    A class to indicate that qualification has been correctly specified.

  22. class ScalaHelperImpl extends ScalaHelper

    This class has a number of glue methods that help the JOE call Zeidon operations written in scala.

  23. class SelectQualTerminator extends AnyRef

    This class is used to terminate qualification for a SelectSet.

  24. class SelectQualification extends Dynamic

    Specifies a series of objects that make it easier to select entities in a SelectSet.

  25. class Task extends ScalaTask with Dynamic
  26. class View extends Dynamic

    A Scala wrapper for the JOE View.

    A Scala wrapper for the JOE View. This object uses dynamic methods that allows users to write code using VML-like view.entity.attribute syntax.

  27. case class ViewDef(lodName: String, applicationName: String) extends Product with Serializable

  28. class VmlCursorResult extends AnyRef

    This class is used to dupilcate VML-like syntax when manipulating cursors.

    This class is used to dupilcate VML-like syntax when manipulating cursors. It is returned by SETFIRST and SETNEXT.

  29. class VmlSyntaxFiller extends AnyRef

    A class who's sole purpose is to allow Scala syntax to mirror VML syntax.

    A class who's sole purpose is to allow Scala syntax to mirror VML syntax. For example, this is used to allow "VIEW BASED ON LOD lod-name" syntax.

  30. trait ZeidonOperations extends AnyRef

    A trait that is added to a Scala object to give the object VML-like syntax.

    A trait that is added to a Scala object to give the object VML-like syntax. Requires a task.

  31. case class basedOn(lodName: String, appName: String = "", notEmpty: Boolean = true) extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    Annotation for setting LOD for method arguments.

  32. class DynamicTask extends Task

    Use com.quinsoft.zeidon.scala.Task instead.

    Use com.quinsoft.zeidon.scala.Task instead.


Value Members

  1. object AbstractEntity
  2. object AttributeInstance
  3. object CursorResult extends Serializable
  4. object DynamicTask
  5. object EntityCursor
  6. object EntityInstance
  7. object EntitySelector
  8. object Implicits

  9. object Nexts extends Nexts
  10. object ObjectOperationResult extends Serializable
  11. object QualBuilder
  12. object SelectQualification
  13. object Task
  14. object Ternary

    Adds ternary operator ?: (the "elvis" operator).

    Adds ternary operator ?: (the "elvis" operator). To use, add the following import: import com.quinsoft.zeidon.scala.Ternary._


    val someval = "CheckThisForNull" ?: "UseThisIfOtherIsNull"

    Copied from

  15. object View
  16. object ViewDef extends Serializable
  17. object VmlCursorResult
  18. object ZeidonOperations
  19. object basedOnMacro
